I’m a Research Associate and a Ph.D. Candidate
I am currently a research associate at the Institute for Research in Rehabilitation Medicine at University of Ulm (IFR Ulm). I am also a Ph.D. candidate in biomechanics, specifically gait analysis, at the University of Ulm. I’m fascinated by using sensor-based solutions to explore human motion and using analysis softwares like R to optimize the workflow and present results in a visually engaging way. I love spending time in the mountains, hiking or skiing. As a ski instructor, it is a pleasure for me to share my knowledge and passion for skiing with children and adults.
During my stay in the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Calgary with Benno Nigg in 2015/2016 I discovered my passion for motion analysis. The focus of my current work at the IFR Ulm is to manage research projects in the field of clinical research with robotic gait therapy. With industry partners, we have successfully developed a real-time endeffector for gait therapy in stroke patients.
In my Ph.D. thesis, I am investigating the effect of the clinical gait analysis on chronic backpain.
In my current work at IFR Ulm, I am also a project manager in the field of public health and health services research. In this area I am responsible for the evaluation of different projects in the field of rehabilitation and prevention together with the German Pension Insurance Baden-Württemberg.
Asmussen, M. J., Kaltenbach, C., Hashlamoun, K., Shen, H., Federico, S., & Nigg, B. M. (2019). Force measurements during running on different instrumented treadmills. Journal of Biomechanics, 84, 263–268. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2018.12.025
Dannenmaier, J., Kaltenbach, C., Kölle, T., & Krischak, G. (2020). Application of functional data analysis to explore movements: walking, running and jumping - A systematic review. Gait & Posture, 77, 182–189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.02.002
Kölle, T., Schmid, L., Kaluscha, R., Kaltenbach, C., Tepohl, L., Krebs, K., & Krischak, G. (2021). Prädiktoren für die Inanspruchnahme unterschiedlicher Leistungen zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben: Ein Vergleich von Integrationsmaßnahmen, Teilqualifizierungen und Vollausbildungen. Die Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1647-9728